Patient Quality Care


We have a dedicated team of healthcare professionals who are assigned to each client to ensure that his or her needs are met. Our team will also provide an admission conference, education and information to both the client and in-home caregiver to better ensure their participation in the Plan of Care.

  • A Case Manager provides communication and information for both the client and in-home caregiver. She or he ensures that the client's health, well being is being and concerns are addressed. She coordinates the care between the patients, the caregivers and the professional staff seeing the patient. The doctors and their office staff are always made aware and informed of significant changes in the patient's condition or any clinical issues that arise.
  • A Registered Nurse develops, modifies and oversees the customized care plan and supervises the care for your loved one. The nurse acts as the eyes and ears for the client's Physician and communicates with both the Physician and our office the outcomes and needs of a client. With an assigned nurse, the client and caregiver are able to receive one-on-one quality time and personalized education. We also have Registered Nurses who are specialized and are experienced in wound care.
    Learn more here.
  • A Certified Nursing Assistant is available to address the individual needs of the client, whether he or she is living at home or in another residential facility. They may aid in personal care and bathing.
    • Care may include but is not limited to: Bathing and Dressing, Assistance with ADLs & Personal Hygiene Care
  • A Medical Social Worker will assist with long term care planning, counseling, and coordination of community and financial assistance resources, e.g., Meals On Wheels, assistance with shopping, Veteran benefits, in-home services etc. Medicaid and provider eligibility assistance with the preparation of the Durable Power of Attorney for medical care and advanced directives.

Clients will be assessed by either their Physician or their Registered Nurse (on initial admission assessment) for a need for Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and/or Occupational Therapy.

    • Physical Therapy: Work on improving your gait, balance, strength and other mobility skills (e.g., getting in and out of bed, prosthesis training) and to prepare for upcoming orthopedic surgeries. Goal is for the patient to improve in strength and endurance, maintain independence in mobility and safety at home.

    • Speech Therapy: Work on learning techniques to improve memory, speech, communication, improve oropharyngeal coordination (swallowing). Specialized programs to assist patients with tracheostomy to improve communication with use of vocalization aids.

    • Occupational Therapy: Work on increasing the patient's independence with preparing meals, bathing, dressing toileting, and other activities of daily living. Assist with assessment for mobility assistive device needs, e.g., electric and power wheelchairs. Improve upper body strength and coordination.

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